Sep 26, 2012

Barred Warbler on Turøy!

Fine weather today, 26 september and free from work, so not many thoughts about what to do.  On Turøy I found a Barred Warbler near the marsh. It called once, never heard that before! A very distinctive staccato rattle, totally different from any other sylvia. It behaved as expected. Brief views and couldn't find it again. But I saw it well enough to identify it: large, grey sylvia with lightish wingbars, greyish spots on the undertail-coverts and white in the tailcorners. A Chiffchaff and a Lesser Whitethroat on the same spot. Garden Warbler on the northern part of the isle.
Further good numbers of Robin and a Wryneck on Breivik, also calling.

juvenile Tree Sparrow on Breivik

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