Sep 22, 2024

22 september Herdlevær

 Spent two-and-a-half hour at Herdlevær, which was as to be expected in this time of the year. Yellow-browed Warbler of course and further seven Chiffchaffs, two flyby Grey Wagtails and a Tree Pipit there.  Further the first Brambling on the move with a group of 25 at Husvatn, Alvheim. On Dåvøy a group of about 20 Goldfinches and on Breivik, Kollsnes two Stonechats and a Goshawk gave views. No shocking events, but nice birding...

🎤Yellow-browed Warbler

🎤Crested Tit

Blue Tit, only two today

the omni-present all-weather bird: Eurasian Magpie

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