Sep 27, 2024


 I already planned Hernar a few months ago on the 26th, so yesterday was the day. I was not alone to do so. Julian Bell and Roald Hatten were on the ferry as well. Because of the northern winds and the cloudless skies the expectations were low, but it turned out to be a nice autumn day in the field with loads of migrating birds and few on the ground.

We quickly found a Yellow-browed Warbler, which turned out te be best bird of the day. Other phylloscopus were three Chiffchaffs. Further three migrating Grey Wagtails and lots of finches, mostly Bramblings and Siskins with a few Goldfinches. We had good migration of Blackbirds, with some flying high in the skies. Five Reed Buntings were present around the marsh, where a Water Rail was calling. A migration and calling Red-throated Loon was nice as well...

Next Thursday again😊

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