Sep 23, 2024


Today I decided to check Herdla. Very quiet autumn weather with a variety of birds present. A rather small gull flying over my head gave me some thrills. My first thought without binoculars was Little Gull, but when seen through bins it proved to be a Kittiwake in its first year. I needed the time to identify it, so no pics. Nice and for me the first time I saw this species on Herdla.

The weather was so quiet, that I thought most waders wood be gone, but there were plenty left. Worth mentioning are five Black-tailed Godwits and two Grey Plovers among the usual suspects. A hunting Peregrine Falcon made it difficult to scrutinize all the waders, but it was enjoyable anyhow. A little Grebe proved to be a new art for Herdla for me as well...and a tame Skylark gave good photo opportunities😊


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