Oct 13, 2024

Red-breasted Flycatcher at Herdlevær

 Today no wind! But raining steady. I just had to check Herdlevær. First bird I heard getting out of the car was my fifteenth Yellow-browed Warbler of the season. It showed quite well, but it was too wet to take my camera out of the bag, at least for a YBW. A little later I met Olav Moberg and Stein Rune Rise at the sjeldenhagen. I told them about the YBW and they went to check.

After about three quarters of an hour I had done the gardens at the turning point of the road and was on my way back. I saw small light-colored bird disappear in one of the trees. After some ten minutes I saw it briefly, but I immediately identified it as a Red-breasted Flycatcher. But it was raining hard and I couldn't find it back. I called Stein Rune and Olav, who were at Sele. But they decided to come back. I also put it on Band. After doing so I saw it shortly again in the same tree. It was not showing well, though. I waited for Stein Rune and Olav and together we went through the fence to try to take pictures. In that we succeeded. As often, the others had better pictures than me...but I got my own😊

Red-breasted Flycatcher is easy to recognize with its drab plumage in this age, the black-and-wite tail and the nice eye-ring. But what about that other bird from the far east? Of course I had thought about the bird being a Taiga Flycatcher Ficedula albicilla, the much rarer of the two. Differences are subtle. That bird would show an all black bill, a much whiter throat and the upper tail coverts would be very black (blacker than the tail). I couldn't see the rump and uppertailcoverts of this bird, but on one of the photo's taken today one can see that the uppertailcoverts are brownish. Besides that this bird bird called a few times, not the characteristic rattle, reminiscent of Wren, but a plaintive "wee-ip". Taiga would give a drier rattle and  "tic" calls! I think today's bird is a first winter because of the cream-coloured wing bars and tertial edgings. 

Oct 11, 2024

Øygarden again

 This week I visited Øygarden three times, once Herdlevær with Terje Hansen and twice with Eirik Adolfsen. Very nice birding, although the weather was not always that good. Rain on Wednesday and lots of winds on Thursday. But lots of birds about, but no really good birds. On Wednesday we had five Yellow-browed Warblers (4 on Herdlevær and one at Sele). This autumn I have had a total of 14 birds! Further a lot of finches, thrushes (mostly Blackbirds) and Blackcaps on the way. Noteworthy were a Ring  Ouzel at Herdlevær, a late Garden Warbler there as well, a Lesser Spotted and Grey Woodpecker at Sele and a Hawfinch. A short scan over the sea at Sale produced two Great Northern Divers and four Black Guillemots. On wedenes day we had two Otters at Herdlevær, producing a lot of noise...

Note that the Otters uploaded as Robind on Xeno-canto, I couldn't manage otherwise...

Oct 6, 2024


Took a morning on Turøy. On Saturday it had been raining, so I hoped for new birds. In the Netherlands a Dark-sided Flycatcher (!!!) and a Brown Shrike had been found...But today was also quiet as usual on Turøy. However, a Yellow-browed Warbler, a Chiffchaff, a Blackcap (all heard only) made the visit worth while. Otherwise, two White-tailed Eagles and a Water Rail present.

On the way back I tried the Thrush Nightingale, reported by Alf Alden, without luck. When I later on the evening heard the recording, it proved to be a Siberian Chiffchaff.

White-tailed Eagle

Oct 4, 2024

Hernar again

 3rd of October. Hernar! Picked up Eirik Adolfsen early to check Hernar today. At the ferry five more people had gathered with the same thoughts. Together with Julian Bell, Terje Hansen, Jørn Opsal and Egil and Laila Frantzen we checked the island from 08:00 to 12:30.

As last week,  today it was quiet as well. However, two Yellow-browed Warblers and one or two Siberian Chiffchaffs made the visit worth while. Otherwise the first Great Spotted Woodpecker for the autumn, lots of Robins, one Chiffchaff and a few Blackcaps...

White-tailed Eagle at Hellesøy

digiscoped Greater Black-backed Gull at Tjeldstø

Oct 1, 2024

Herdlevær and Hjelme

 Easterly winds and warm. Expectations were not high, the weather being too beautiful, but it wasn't that bad. Best was Hjelme with two Yellow-browed Warblers and a first year male Ring Ouzel. Further quite a few Blackcaps. Most birds in the air, though. Two Grey Wagtails, three Reed Buntings at Herdlevær and at Hjelme a Snow Bunting and a Yellowhammer! Enjoyable birding, but it could be better...

first-year male Ring Ouzel

The church at Hjelme

Sep 30, 2024

wagtail difficulties

Yesterday an Eastern Yellow Wagtail was reported at Herdla. A grey-and-white bird with a rasping call...

Today I went to check the bird and make sound recordings. Eastern Yellow Wagtail is very difficult to identify. A typical bird is grey and white without yellow and should have all its retained juvenile median and greater coverts, a long hind claw and a rasping call. This bird had some of these characteristics. It was basically grey and white, but with warm tones, not cold. The coverts seemed to be of one age, but I think that is difficult to judge. The hind claw seemed a bit shortish. But the call was striking: yellow wagtail, but harsh and rasping, reminding of Citrine Wagtail. Below a recording of it as well as a sonogram of the recordings. On the second recording, it seemes that the bird called a bit more as a western bird, but that is difficult to judge.

I don't know if this bird has enough characteristics for a positive identification, the NSKF has the last word

sonogram of the first recording

Sep 27, 2024


 I already planned Hernar a few months ago on the 26th, so yesterday was the day. I was not alone to do so. Julian Bell and Roald Hatten were on the ferry as well. Because of the northern winds and the cloudless skies the expectations were low, but it turned out to be a nice autumn day in the field with loads of migrating birds and few on the ground.

We quickly found a Yellow-browed Warbler, which turned out te be best bird of the day. Other phylloscopus were three Chiffchaffs. Further three migrating Grey Wagtails and lots of finches, mostly Bramblings and Siskins with a few Goldfinches. We had good migration of Blackbirds, with some flying high in the skies. Five Reed Buntings were present around the marsh, where a Water Rail was calling. A migration and calling Red-throated Loon was nice as well...

Next Thursday again😊

Sep 23, 2024


Today I decided to check Herdla. Very quiet autumn weather with a variety of birds present. A rather small gull flying over my head gave me some thrills. My first thought without binoculars was Little Gull, but when seen through bins it proved to be a Kittiwake in its first year. I needed the time to identify it, so no pics. Nice and for me the first time I saw this species on Herdla.

The weather was so quiet, that I thought most waders wood be gone, but there were plenty left. Worth mentioning are five Black-tailed Godwits and two Grey Plovers among the usual suspects. A hunting Peregrine Falcon made it difficult to scrutinize all the waders, but it was enjoyable anyhow. A little Grebe proved to be a new art for Herdla for me as well...and a tame Skylark gave good photo opportunities😊


Sep 22, 2024

22 september Herdlevær

 Spent two-and-a-half hour at Herdlevær, which was as to be expected in this time of the year. Yellow-browed Warbler of course and further seven Chiffchaffs, two flyby Grey Wagtails and a Tree Pipit there.  Further the first Brambling on the move with a group of 25 at Husvatn, Alvheim. On Dåvøy a group of about 20 Goldfinches and on Breivik, Kollsnes two Stonechats and a Goshawk gave views. No shocking events, but nice birding...

🎤Yellow-browed Warbler

🎤Crested Tit

Blue Tit, only two today

the omni-present all-weather bird: Eurasian Magpie

Sep 20, 2024


 Turøy is very quiet with birds most of the time. But is has a lot of potential as the past has proven. I had a few hours off on Wednesday, so I gave it a try. And quiet it was. Only Robins, four Chiffchaffs and a Dunnock, which was calling well...
